ARE Magazine
ARE Magazine is a Quarterly Magazine published by the Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA) where I am the designated Travel Expert with my own column in every issue. Each publication prints over 5,000 copies with over 20,000 online circulation distributed across the US, Europe & Asia. For the full articles, you can view them here.
Summer 2018: Winnipeg
Winter 2018: Lebanon
Fall 2017: Catalina Island
Summer 2017: Samaná, Dominican Republic
Winter 2017: Beef Noodle Soup Recipe
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Fall 2016: Ilha Formosa, Taiwan
Summer 2016: Israel, the Holy Land
Spring 2016: Mystical India
Winter 2015: Island of the Gods, Bali
Fall 2015: Sri Lanka
Summer 2015: Myanmar (Burma)
My Life in Los Angeles
Read the full article at Asian Real Estate Magazine Online
LA Yoga Magazine – June 2012
Spread Out Your Mat For Room to Read

Read the full article at LA Yoga Magazine Online
Bask Magazine
Bask Magazine is a Lifestyle Magazine published through a Luxury Real Estate Company in Orange County serving Multi-Million Dollar Homes. As a Bask Contributor to the “Bask Cause” section, I interviewed founders of charitable organizations on what their ‘a-ha moment’ was. This pushed them to step outside of their comfort zone and make tremendous positive changes in this world, their vision, and ways on how we can help the cause.
House of the Children
I had the honor to interview the founder of House of the Children, Nancy Santullo over a spontaneous 4 hour coffee date at the hipstery Gratitude Cafe in Larchmont. She sold her belongings, packed her stuff and moved to Peru 10 years ago to help with Water Sanitation & build sinks in the Rainforest. She also leads Energy workshops and is the type of woman that leaves you feeling more energized, intuitive and intelligent.
Kids of Kilimanjaro

In-Touch Weekly – August 2010
Featured right before the EAT, PRAY, LOVE movie release!