6 Ways to Stay Healthy while Flying on a Plane

Getting sick sucks. But getting sick while traveling? Ugh! The Worst! The best we can do is prevent them by packing first-aid kit for the road – stomach medicine, vitamin c, etc and staying healthy while traveling.

The first step in prevention is the precautions we take while flying. We all know how many people and germs are confined in the small space of the plane while up in the air! Whether you’re taking a short domestic flight for 45 minutes or an around the world trip for 15+ hours, it takes just a few seconds to potentially catch germs.

I remember on my 3 week trip to India, everyone warned I would get some type of food poisoning for sure as if a pre-requisite of traveling to India. Fortunately, I didn’t get sick at all on that trip, but the traveling back home is when I got extremely sick. Between flying domestically across India with 5 stops (airplane shutting on and off), and then flying back Internationally for a day and a half, I came back extremely weak and ill.

Now I do everything I can to stay healthy and sanitized while traveling to avoid getting sick. I interviewed Keely Watson, avid traveler and founder of an anti-bacterial seat cover called the “Head Defender”, on:

6 Ways to Stay Healthy While Flying:

1. Stay Hydrated.
coconut_0Before flying and during.

Not just with water, but beverages full of electrolytes because dehydration makes you more vulnerable from bugs and harder for you to recover. Gatorade has electrolytes and additional hydration. Don’t drink tap water on a plane, ask for bottled water.

Personally, I love Coconut Water.


2. Avoid Sticking your hand in the Seat Pocket on Airplanes/Busses.

EVOLVE: The New Southwest Interior

There are other people’s used tissues, food, discarded napkins which are nests for bacterias.

Like the headrest, the seat chair and pocket are even more rarely cleaned.

Some times you may not be able to avoid touching the seat pocket, so make sure you clean your hands after.


3. Dental Hygiene.

Our mouths carry a lot of bacteria.

Pack mouthwash, toothpaste which are germ killing.

It’ll add a layer of protection from harmful bacteria.



4. Disinfect.

Try not to rub your eyes or nose as it exposes your mucus gland, a point of entry for bacteria.

Bring liquid hand sanitizers (4 oz or smaller), sanitizer wipes to wipe off hot spots: tray table, arm rest, head rest, window shade.


5. Nose protection.

Airborne protection.

Use saline, nasal mist to keep nasal passages moist. Keeps mucus membrane from drying out. Helps boost body’s natural germ flushing action.

Hydrate also with warm drinks as it keep nasal passages moist.



6. Protect your head against germs on the Headrest.
StandardTry the “Head Defender“, a one of a kind Travel Accessory which slips over the top of the head rest and contains bacteria killing shield on 99.9% of disease causing germs (including MRSA & Staph), from your head and headrest. Public headrests on airplanes, movie theaters, buses, trains rarely get cleaned. You would never want to use a stranger’s hairbrush that could potentially hold lice and dandruff.

The Head Defender is a personal head shield, light weight, compact, easily slip into purse, to place over seats. Washable and reusable. Integrated anti-Microbial solution that’s been integrated into fabric. Even after you wash, you won’t lose the killing power or anti microbial barrier until 30-50 washes.

Starting at only $29.99, sounds like a great gift for my traveller friends!

Keely Watson is a Medical Device Sales Rep

that travels back and forth to the East Coast.

“I won’t forget one particular trip when I walking down aisle, trying to pass someone. My hand landed on a seat with mucus or something. After sitting down, I thought about what I’m leaning my head on. Flight attendants admitted that they rarely clean seats. FAA doesn’t have any cleaning standards for how often airline company needs to clean. Some might not clean for 2 weeks – 1 month.”

head defender keelyWatson, CEO and founder of Head Defender, outlines the motivation behind the concept of his product and company.  He states: “Everybody deserves their special zone of comfort!” Watson continues: “This belief, and a strong desire to rest my head comfortably on filthy airplane seat backs, is what sparked the idea of the HeadDEFENDER. It is also what drove my passion to start a company that creates products for people who want to guard themselves from disease-causing microbes in everyday public places.”

Head Defender has taken home awards for “Innovative Excellence” Gold Award, celebrated on news stations and many travelers have been tweeting about it.

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